We were off to the airport in good time as several people were claiming VAT refunds. That proved to be quite a hassle for them, and in many cases they re ceived almost nothing for their efforts. We had bought so little that we didn't bother and were glad we hadn't.
We spent our last few Rand at the airport and hugged Frank one last time. What a sweet heart he is, besides being a terrific guide!
In Nairobi we found an airport that harkened back to Toronto International of 50 years ago. Lots of stores seemed to have been added along a curved corridor and the gate was between a cafe and a shop.
We had beers and soft drinks, pretty well taking over the seating space, then walked across hot tarmac to the smallish plane (Bombardier - made in Canada).
We had good views of Kenya and Tanzania on the flight, and Mt. Kilimanjaro and its sister mountain were dramatic in the sunset. Kilimanjaro airport is small and it took us awhile to complete health forms for H1N1 symptoms, show our yellow fever certificates, complete immigration formalities and find luggage.
Unfortunately 3 people in our group were missing bags. Worse still, several students, here to climb Kilimanjaro, were missing theirs as well.
Finally, we were met by our new guide, Jane, and welcomed to Tanzania.
After a long wait to file claims for the luggage, a small bus pulled up, our suitcases were hoisted to the roof and tied on, and we were on our way.
The road was very rough and the night was black as pitch. Other vehicles were either speeding along with horns blowing, or crawling and being towed.
There were people walking and bicycling beside the road, and lots places where parties seemed to be underway.
finally we arrived at the Arusha Hotel and after a nice but very late dinner crawled under mosquito nets to sleep. We were all very tired.
Wow - not much back country skiing to be had on Mt K... ah well - looks beautiful. Quite a long walk I hear... keep under that mossie net!